Triple collagen Serum 40ml
Triple collagen Serum 40ml
This skincare product is perfect for those looking to improve their skin’s overall health and vitality. Our water-type essence is made with a triple collagen complex and is designed to nourish, smooth, and moisturize tired skin.
It is also enriched with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help improve skin tone and texture. Our rich serum is also formulated with a triple collagen complex to help restore elasticity and hydrate dry skin. Both products are free of parabens and sulfates, making them safe for all skin types.
Moisturizing, Anti-oxidant, Brightening, Hydrating, Skin Firming
Vitamin E, Collagen, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid
Hydrolyzed Collagen, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil,
Aloe Vera Gel, Blueberry Extract, Papaya Extract
Consult a doctor if redness swelling, itchiness, other abnormalities, and side effects occur under direct sunlight during or after use. 2. Avoid use on damaged or broken skin 3. Storage 1)Keep out of reach of children 2)Keep away from direct sunlight. 4. om case of contact with eyes, wash immediately. *Read instructions and warnings before use